かまぼこの和菓子。食べてみたいかも「神奈川・創業慶応元年かまぼこ鈴廣の四季の富士夏の淡雪」→http://bit.ly/Ys1SwZ (写真 鈴廣)
The beauty design of Japanese style confection is made by SUZUHIRO that is located at KANAGAWA prefecture.
The Mt. Fuji is made of KAMABOKO (boiled fish paste) as Japanese style confection.
YAMAFUKUSEIKA has over 140 year’s history for KAMABOKO making.
You can enjoy dinner with it.
SHIKINOFUJI NATSU NO AWAYUKI—> http://bit.ly/Ys1SwZ (Web: Only Japanese / Photo: SUZUHIRO)